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Frazzled to Fabulous Mums Club

Restore calm, enjoy your kids and get more done!

Is being a busy mum stressful & overwhelming?
Do you wake up grumpy & exhausted after a broken night sleep?
Do you lose it with your kids & regret it?

Join the club & change your life for good in just 5 minutes a day!

  • Are you juggling so many balls that you can’t catch your breath?
  • Does your child or your to-do list keep you up at night?
  • Do you feel guilty a lot of the time?
  • Do you compare yourself to other mums or feel not good enough?
  • Do you put your needs at the bottom of the list?
  • Are you constantly exhausted and only just manage to get through the day? 
  • Does your to-do list feel stressful & overwhelming?
  • Are you worried you're not doing a good enough job?

Join the waitlist and be the first to hear when the club reopens

Are You Ready to Change for Good?

I'm too busy

Learn how to create tiny pockets of time & use efficiently

I'm scared
of change

I will hold your hand every step of the way with the support of mums just like you.

I'm too exhausted

Used regularly, the process you will learn will help you fall asleep quickly, get back to sleep easily & wake up refreshed!

I've tried to change but failed

This programme is different. It won't take you away from your busy life but it can enhance it in exciting and surprising ways!

I don't know where to start with this

I've been  in your shoes. I know what that feels like and I have created an easy system that I use & been tried & tested by 100s of mums.

You don't understand my situation

Mums of chidren with with mental & physical challenges, single mums, overwhelmed mums,  bereaved mums, grandmums have all benefited

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"  - Einstein

Nothing can change until you do something differently.

I know you might be wondering how such a huge transformation can happen just by watching a short video but, believe me, it can happen! It may seem a little far fetched but I've seen it work so many times both with my clients and in my life that I know it to be true and I know that it can work for you too. 

When you change your mindset, you create new thoughts and are able to see new possibilities.

Overwhelmed mum

"All of that stress & chaos that you feel is insurmountable becomes manageable in a very calming way."   Natalie Bachiri


  • Crush the school run without losing it with your kids!
  • Release stress and overwhelm 
  • Learn how to get back on track when life goes pear-shaped 
  • Learn a powerful parenting tool 
  • Teach your children an empowering tool they can use for the rest of their lives 
  • Make a difference to the next generation 
  • Create a new life-changing habit
Happy mum
mum relaxing in a bubble bath

Reported "side effects"!

  •  I've stopped craving sugar/ wine/ chocolate!
  • I've stopped spending money to make myself feel better because I already feel so good
  • Period pain gone 
  • I have a reason to get up in the morning again 
  • My partner's been asking me what I've been doing because I seem so happy
  • The nausea I've suffered for the last eight months disappeared 
  • My phobia has gone

Why mums love this system

I don't know how I lived before without this book

This book will help you achieve such a huge shift in perspective!

This book is a life changer - I feel like Superwoman

Releasing this limiting belief has been life changing

What's inside the club?

Become Fabulous

During the first month of the club, you'll be invited to take on a 30-day challenge to lay the foundations of the Fabulous New You.

All you need is a minimum of five minutes each day, out of the 1440 minutes available to you, to create change.

 You will also be invited to weekly camp fire gatherings on zoom to ask questions, get support, meet other mums that you have been chatting to in the support group and deepen your transformation from Frazzled to Fabulous! (1 hour & recorded if you can't make it). No pressure to attend if you don't have time!

Maintain your Fabulousness

Once you've completed your first month with the club, you'll receive a weekly support video on one of the following themes:

* continuing to feel Fabulous
* falling off the bandwagon
* parenting challenges
* supporting your chidlren 

Become more Fabulous

There's no need to limit your level of Fabulousness! Join me for monthly live sessions to ask questions, connect with other Fabulous mums and create more Fabulousness for yourself and your children. If you can't make the live sessions, they'll be available to watch later.

Fabulous Fun and Wellbeing

Every couple of months, we'll be joined by a Wellbeing and Fun expert who'll share some inspiration to bring more Fabulousness into your life. You can join these sessions live or watch the recordings later.

Fabulous Community

Joining this private online community will help you stick to the programme and become more Fabulous. Positive change is quicker and more sustainable when you do it together making yourself accountable and exchanging support and encouragement with other Fabulous mums.

I know you are super busy so I suggest around 3-5 minutes at the end of each day (if you have time eg on the loo!)

Release the roots of your frazzledness

Look out for the opportunities for limited numbers to work with me to release the reasons you felt frazzled in the first place in one-to-one or in small groups at reduced rates for club members.


The basis of this club is creating and building on a five-minute habit that will release your stress, overwhelm, anxiety, guilt and exhaustion to pave the way for joy, fun, productivity, more presence and a better relationship with your children and the ability to support them with a powerful self-help tool.

The processes involve a technique called EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques or Tapping - see more about EFT below). These processes have been scientifically proven to reduce stress. When you start your day well, you give yourself better chance of the rest of the day flowing. The processes are easy and quick and if you have a little more time there are some optional extra actions as well as giving feedback in the club's private community, which is key to success in creating positive change.

Yes! This club is designed precisely for busy mums who are juggling a lot and don't have much time but know that something needs to change for the sake of their children. I can't wait for you to join and see you change for good πŸ€—

Five minutes! That's all it takes to start laying the foundations of permanent change. There are 1440 minutes in each day and all I'm asking is that you make five of those minutes (as a minimum) more important that your to-do list and your children. Yes - you heard me correctly! If you can invest at five minutes* per day, your children will truly benefit in so many ways, starting with a calmer mum! If you can manage to spare a few more minutes your transformation will happen even more quickly, and you'll be less likely to fall off the band wagon.

* You will have a choice of medium for your daily challenge video, audio or PDF) so that you have a choice of which medium suits you best. Some of the videos and audios are around 7 minutes but you can always speed them up if short of time or read the PDF which should take under five minutes!

If you follow the step-by-step processes in this club, you'll pave the way to feeling calmer, being more present with your kids and enjoying more, being more productive and getting more done.

Mums who follow this programme have also reported:
- reduced cravings (eg coffee, wine, chocolate)
- aches and pains disappearing (eg period pains; one mum even reported that several months of nausea had ceased and she wasn't pregnant)
- other people noticing that you're happier
- saving money because you indulge in less comfort spending
- children starting to use EFT with or without their parents for anxiety, peer pressure, exam stress, sleep issues, fussy eating and more

Although you'll be encouraged to find five minutes every day, with a day off once a week, you needn't worry if you miss a day or two. You'll be going at your own pace and will receive lots of encouragement to keep going from mums in the community just like you. I also have an SOS section in the club for when the going gets tough!

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or Tapping is a powerful stress-relief tool that is easy to learn and practise. Even children can do it effectively. It's like acupuncture without needles and involves tapping on specific points on the body. There's more information about EFT on my main website here

Knowing EFT and using it are different. This club is for mums who are committed to not only releasing their stress, overwhelm, anxiety etc but also creating a Fabulous life for themselves and their family. If you aren't feeling like a Fabulous mum and would like to, this club is for you!

You have access to incremental club materials and the community for as long as you are a Frazzled to Fabulous club for mums member.

I'll miss you, but you can cancel your subscription at any time and will lose access to club material from that time. If you need to cancel for any reason let me know, and you'll not be charged for the next billing period.


I'm so excited you've popped in to have a read πŸ’—

My name is Tamara Donn and my passion is supporting mums so that they can experience their best possible version of motherhood creating a strong and loving foundation for your children's childhood whatever your circumstances so that they grow up feeling loved, confident and ready to embrace their world. If your children are older, or even if you're a granny, don't go away. Many mums of older children and adults have enjoyed the tools this club has to offer.

So here's a bit about me:
As well as being a mum to a lovely young adult, I am a parenting mentor, award-winning author of Frazzled to Fabulous in 5 Minutes a Day, international EFT trainer and family constellator. You can read more about what I do here.

I can't wait to meet you in the club and see you change for good πŸ˜ƒ

Love and light,
Tamara x

Everything You Need To
Regain Your Calm, Enjoy Your Kids More & Get More Done!

Join the waitlist and be the first to hear when the club reopens

Invest in your Fabulous future today 😍

β€œβ€œAs a business-owner, homeschooler, & wife to a husband with limiting disabilities it spoke to my feeling of CONSTANTLY being overwhelmed. Sometimes that overwhelm led to feelings of hopelessness that I'll never get ahead, and feelings of resentment that I never get a break. I experienced occasional insomnia, fatigue, depression... I was a bit concerned that even the challenge would feel overwhelming but I KNEW it would be helpful...AND IT WAS. Tamara led topics including feeling overwhelmed, shifting perspective, focusing on gratitude and other emotions. I even discovered that I had feelings of guilt that I was unaware of, buried below my consciousness! This programme helped me recognize it AND resolve those feelings so I could productively address what caused the feelings of guilt. β€œ, Jamie Lynn Fisher

What is included?