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Exam Stress to Exam Success

Are you or your child sitting exams this summer?

Are you a parent?

  • Are you feeling anxious, worried or helpless about supporting your child? 
  • Is your child's exam stress affecting your relationship? 
  • Do you want a tool that can support you and your child in creating calm, ease and confidence? 

Are you a student?

  • Are you procrastinating about getting down to work?
  • Are you feeling overwhelmed about revising?
  • Are your parents or teachers putting pressure on you? 
  • Is stressing about exams stopping you sleep at night?

In this programme you will receive a series of videos for parents and another one for students. Each video will address a particular aspect of concern about exams using a powerful self help stress relief tool called EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or Tapping. 

EFT with teens in schools

EFT for anxiety in the NHS

"My 15 year old son starts his year 10 end of year exams tomorrow and they are a really big deal. He confided tonight that he is super stressed and anxious. He said he’d like to do some tapping. The intensity of his anxiety 9 out of 10. When we finished, it was at a 0. All his initial fears of failing and not having done enough revision, were dispelled. I then tested him on 15 difficult questions and he nailed it! He said 'the tapping has helped me focus and know I can do it' "

Catherine Everett

"The videos are very soothing and comforting, almost like a hug every day, a bit of re-assurance (which is exactly what I need at the moment!) “ 

Eleanor Holton


For parents

  • Instruction video 
  • General de-stress 
  • Worry about your child not getting on with revision 
  • Feeling not good enough as a mum 
  • Stress about your child taking out their stress on you! 
  • Sending positive qualities to your child for their revision and their exams 

For students

  • Instructional video
  • Video Before exams: 
    General de-stress
    Procrastination about getting down to revision
    Setting yourself up for success  
  • During exam period: 
    Tip for if your mind goes blank during an exam
    Stress relief before an exam
    Clearing head for revision of next exam 
  • After exams: 
    Fear of getting your results

Tamara Donn

I help frazzled mums regain their calm, enjoy their kids and get more done. I'm the author of the award winning book, "Frazzled to Fabulous in 5 Minutes a Day”. I am a parenting mentor, EFT trainer and family constellator and together with my husband, Peter Donn, we run the EFT training Centre, training people to become EFT practitioners in UK and online. My presentations include the two Mental Health Conference, St Albans, The Association of Peri and Pre Natal Psychology Congress in Los Angeles and the Womb To World Conference, London, We live in Hertfordshire with our daughter and in my spare time, I love running, dancing and hanging out in my allotment!

Course Pricing

Exam Stress to Exam Success Videos


  • Take advantage of this special price when buying before 21st March

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